Dr. Zachary Porcu
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The World Feminism Created Is the Opposite of What Makes Women Happy
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Praise for Journey to Reality:
"The catechist is a teacher of Christian neophytes. It might seem a straightforward task to teach basics to new Christians, but in our time when all narratives are being contested, none can be taken for granted. Thus, especially now, part of the task of the catechist is to take as little for granted as possible. For some, this time of contest means an almost hopeless future lies ahead, with Christendom declining around us. But for Dr. Zachary Porcu in Journey to Reality, taking nothing for granted means the possibility of presenting a clear, hopeful framework for the core of thinking and behaving as Christians. Both catechists and new (or renewed) Christians will want this accessible book to help guide their way."
— Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick
"An inquirer into Christianity could read a dozen works on the faith and still not encounter the insights found in this genial gem of a book."
— Dn. Nicholas Dujmovic
"...an Orthodox version of Mere Christianity—concise, clear and profound. An instant classic."
— David Hanegraaff
"...a refrershing and accessible style of writing...remarkably concise... The book will open new vistas on Orthodoxy for those already experienced with the faith, and it will help inquirers appreciate the heavenly riches that await them in the Church."
— Fr. John Strickland
"Dr. Zac Porcu...has immersed himself both in the Holy Fathers and in the humanist Zeitgeist. As such, he is able to competently assist God-seekers in bridging the gap from the emptiness of post-Christian culture to the mind of the Church."
— Fr. Josiah Trenham
Zachary Porcu is the author of Journey to Reality as well as a variety of articles on history, theology, and the impact of philosophy on culture.He earned his PhD in Church history at the Catholic University of America under the direction of Robin Darling Young. He holds additional degrees in Philosophy, Classics, and Interdisciplinary Humanities and has taught history, philosophy, and theology at private schools and universities on both the East and West coasts.He is currently an editor at St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, a contributing writer at HolyGround.com, and a guest lecturer at St. Athanasius College.
Get in Touch
Journey to Reality: Sacramental Life in a Secular Age (Purchase at Ancient Faith and Amazon.
Guest Appearances
Why Young People Are Losing Their Faith – Patristic Nectar Films
Journey to Reality – Ancient Faith Today Live
Sacramental Life in a Secular Age – Hank Unplugged Podcast
Acquiring the Mind of the Church – Gospel Simplicity
What is a Sacrament? – the Orthodox Christian Podcast
Meet Zachary Porcu - Everyday Orthodoxy
Sacramental Truth v. Secular Chaos - James D. Newcomb Podcast
Conferences and talks
Pop Articles
"Renaissance for the Art of Storytelling" – Beck and Stone’s Created
"The World Feminism Created is the Opposite of What Makes Women Happy" – The Federalist
“How Upending Its Hidden Assumptions Can Deepen Your Read Of Science Fiction” – The Federalist
"Are There Aliens in the Bible?" – Holy Ground
"Samyaza and the Fall of the Angels" – Holy Ground
Class Lectures